Thursday, October 21, 2010

Juan Williams v. Helen Thomas - Double Standard?

So, Juan Williams is fired for saying that he fears for his life when he gets on a plane with someone in Muslim garb. Many websites are abuzz applauding NPR for taking swift action. How is it ok to have a journalist with such biased views? Right? Well, let's now back track a few months to the Helen Thomas affair. The same websites were appalled that a journalist was not allowed to express her opinion -- thus highlighting the double standard when it comes to Israel ... and Jews. Reprehensible comments about Jews, often times based on erroneous information and sometimes even lies, are lauded as protected by First Amendment rights. But, expressing an opinion about Muslims, equally as reprehensible is seen as biased. Should they not be treated the same?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Armenian Genocide: Let's Call it What it Is

For years, Israel has refrained from referencing the slaughter of millions of Armenians at the hands of the Turks as a "genocide" for fear of upsetting Israel's only "ally" in the Muslim world, Turkey. However, recent current events call into question whether or not Turkey is an ally at all. Turkey has been at the forefront of the Israel bashing, whether it be their criticism of Israel during its wars against Hezbollah in 2005 or Operation Cast Lead in 2008, or its role in the so-called "Flotilla Incident." Is this a way to treat your "ally?"

Shortly after the disastrous flotilla incident, Turkey's Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, announced that Israel should be "punished" for its "bloody massacre" of the so-called activists aboard the so-called humanitarian ship. However, the Prime Minister all but ignored requests from the Prime Minister of Israel to help prevent any confrontation. Erdogan's attacks on Israel go back to 2002 when he called Israel a "terror state," a pretty bold statement from a country that has yet to acknowledge its role in the slaughter of over half of the world's 2.5 million Armenians.

We as Jews have a duty and an obligation to speak out against injustice in the world and to acknowledge any attempt at ethnic cleansing. Turkey can deny all they want and wish it would go away, but if it walks like a duck, and looks like a duck ...

Perhaps it's time, as Peter Balakian notes here for Israel to rethink this relationship.

On the Verge of Electing Extremists

Last night, Rachel Maddow debunked the myths associated with the wacko right wing agenda. In "Nation on Verge of Electing Extremists for no Particular Reason," she speaks to why some the alleged rationale behind the Tea Party and Right Wing issues is just, well, bunk! Here are just some of the points raised. Folks, we need to be afraid, VERY AFRAID!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Delaware Senate Debate 10-13-2010

OMG ... The debate between Senate Candidates Chris Coons and Christine O'Donnell has just concluded. And it wasn't pretty. Entertaining, maybe, but come on, people we are talking the UNITED STATES SENATE ... this was not a discussion on issues for Class President. Do the people of Delaware really want a Senator who believes that mice have "fully functioning human brains?" Do they really want a Senator that cannot name one Supreme Court case when she is running on a platform that includes not wanting justices to legislate from the bench?

My favorite moment? Probably when she spoke about how Americans did not finish the job of fighting the Russians in Afghanistan? Really Christine? Don't believe me? Read it here for yourself:

Friday, October 8, 2010

British Media continues its anti-Israel Bias

More biased reporting.

Here's the Rest of the Story.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

2 Israeli soldiers convicted for actions during Gaza incursion -

2 Israeli soldiers convicted for actions during Gaza incursion -

Just wondering when any Lebanese or Palestinian army/militia/whatever -- will hold a similar tribunal for similar violations of "rules of war."